

Krzysztof Strzoda (born 1967) lives in Katowice (Poland). He’s an visual and audiovisiual artist, non comercial self-taught photographer.

Member of the Union of The Polish Artist Photographers, Member of Association of Authors Polish Republic’s Photoclub, International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) awarded him in 2012 distinction Artist FIAP (AFIAP) and in 2013 Excellence FIAP (EFIAP). Works within the Silesian Photographic Society, the “FOTOGRAFY” group and other creative groups. Scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of visual arts, scholarship holder of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship in the field of culture. Beneficiary of „Investment into Culture” organized by Institution Katowice The City of Gardens.

The winner or honored in many photo contests. His works have been presented at over 200 exhibitions around the world.


“I create subjective images inspired by nature (mountain landscape and others), urban and architectural space, as well as non-figurative photography. Black-and-white photography is my favourite medium, where I have the full influence on the process of image creation, but I do not avoid the colour. I travel and look for places, where I can take my photographs, images of the surrounding space, which has made me stop by. My photography presents my imaginarium, my vision of these places. I use light and time. Light paints my photography, time is stopped or compressed into one frame.”

In addition to using modern photographic techniques, in the “PhotoCave” studio, he also creates handmade large format contact prints based on historical methods of Platinotype and Palladiotype. From time to time he also creates intermedia diaporamas / photocasts, which he treats as a separate field of creativity, where on the basis of his own photographs or time-lapse films, combined with music and often poetry, he uses the intermedia synergy effect.

The most important awards:

  • Twice Grand Prix XVIII and XXI Mountain Photography Biennal (2014, 2020)
  • Twice Grand Prix Medal/1st Prize (2013, 2015), Gold Medal FIAP (2012, 2013), Gold Medal Fotoklub RP (2018), 2nd Prize (2017), 3rd Prize and Bronze Medal FIAP (2014), Best Author (2015, 2018) in „Jan Sunderlan International Photography Competition “Mountain Landscape “”
  • First Award in Alternative Photography category in „Then and Now 2020 Photographic Competition”
  • Award in Video Art category in 4th International Biennal “SPACE DEFINITION” (2020)
  • First Award in „XII National Polish Photography Contest – Polish Landscape” (2013)
  • 2nd Place in XXV (2022) and 3rd Place in XXIII (2020) International Digital Creation Contest „CYBERFOTO”
  • 3rd Place and two Honorable Mentions (2012), four Honorable Mentions (2013), three Honorable Mentions (2011) in „International Photography Awards (IPA)”
  • Medal Deutscher Verband fur Fotografie in „German International DFV-Photocup 2012”
  • Medal GMC in „9th AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc) 2012”
  • PSA Best of Show Gold Medal in 6th Veitshoechheimer Foto Salon, two Honorable Mentions in „8th Swabian International” and one Honorable Mention in „7th Main Spessart International Salon” (part of „8th AC-FOTO german mega circuit 2011”)
  • Silver Medal in „2nd International Photo Salon PANORAMA OF MY COUNTRY 2011”
  • Bronze Medal of Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA) in 121st Toronto International Salon of Photography (2014)
  • Bronze Medal in „22ème Biennale Internationale” (2013)
  • Bronze FIAP Medal in „6th International Salon of Art. Photography Pokrowa 2011”
  • Two Honorable Mentions in 7th International Salon „Still Life in Photography” (2016, 2018)
  • Honorable Mentions in 20th and 22nd Photography Biennal of Photographic Techniques and Digital Image Processing “REMIS” (2015 and 2019)
  • 1st Prize in “Mountain Diaporam Contest” (2018)
  • FIAP Honourable Mentions in International Photography Contest „Just One Photo 2014”
  • Honorable Mention in „VII Polish Photo Contest „Sea”” (2012)
  • More…

Solo exhibitions:

  • 2024 Trees (in the City), KATOWICE ZPAF Gallery, Katowice, Poland
  • 2023 A Volume of Poetry, The Small; Curator Łukasz Cyrus, Commune Center of Regional Culture Kościelisko, Poland
  • 2022 (not) just such a landscape, KATOWICE ZPAF Gallery, Katowice, Poland
  • 2022 Trail of Light and Shadows (Szlakiem świateł i cieni), B&B Photo Gallery, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • 2021 Mountains Etudes, Bukowiec Palace, Bukowiec, Poland
  • 2020 Mountains Etudes, Under the Brown Deer Gallery (JCK), Jelenia Góra, Poland
  • 2020 Variations of the Tatras, MDK, Chorzów, Poland
  • 2019 (non)volatile [(nie)ulotne], Pusta cd. Gallery, Jaworzno, Poland
  • 2018 (un)sharp vision [(nie)ostrość widzenia], zaSzybą Gallery, Katowice, Poland
  • 2017 The Tatras [CzasoFotoWstrzymywacz], Rybnik Photography Festival, Poland
  • 2016 Variations of the Tatras, KADR Gallery, Roztoka Hut, Zakopane, Poland
  • 2014 Trail of Light and Shadows (Szlakiem świateł i cieni), Galeria BWA Jatki, Nowy Targ, Poland

Short list of the most important exhibitions:

  • 2024 „The End”, Contemporary Art Gallery „ELEKTROWNIA”, Czeladź, Poland
  • 2024 „Sensitive Places”, Art in House Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2022 „The Multiverses”, Cultural Center „Dworek Białoprądnicki”, Kraków, Poland
  • 2022 „20 years of the Silesian Photographic Society”, SCK „Park Tradycji”, Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland
  • 2022 „The Era of Man”, CINiBA, Katowice, Poland
  • 2022 „Photoperifery”, Gallery BWA, Kielce, Poland
  • 2022 „We Are Present”, ZPAF Gallery, Katowice
  • 2021 FotoArtFestival DiasShow, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • 2021 „Whispers”, Municipal Cultural Center, Lanckorona Poland
  • 2021 „Parallel Worlds”, SCK „Park Tradycji”, Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland
  • 2020 4th International Biennal “SPACE DEFINITION”, Gallery BWA, Kielce, Poland
  • 2020 III Mini Print International Cantabria, Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor, Santander, Cantabria, Spain
  • 2020 „De industriae natura”, INDUSTRIADA, SCK “Park Tradycji”, Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland
  • 2020 „Show Yourself in CSW 2020”, Centre of Contemporary Art, Toruń, Poland
  • 2019 FotoArt Festival – FotoOpen and DiasShow, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • 2019 22nd Photography Biennal of Photographic Techniques and Digital Image Processing „REMIS”, Ostrowskie Centrum Kutury, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland
  • 2019 The Way of the Art of Seeing, DK Chwałowice, Rybnik, Poland
  • 2019 XXII International Digital Creation Contest „CYBERFOTO 2019”, Częstochowa, Poland
  • 2019 “Historic and Alternative Processes Photography Festival”, MDK2, Zabrze, Poland
  • 2019 „Show Yourself in CSW 2019” , Centre of Contemporary Art, Toruń, Poland
  • 2019 Silesian Photographic Society “Between Problem and Mystery”, SCK “Park Tradycji”, Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland, 2019
  • 2018 8th International Salon „Still Life in Photography”, Miejska Galeria Sztuki, Częstochowa, Poland
  • 2018 XVIII International Biennal of Landscape Photography “SPACE DEFINITION”, Gallery BWA, Kielce, Poland
  • 2018 “XXXVIII International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2018”, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2018 Silesian Photographic Society “Focusing”, SCK “Park Tradycji”, Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland 2018 and 15 Rybnik Photography Festival, Rybnik, Poland
  • 2017 FotoArtFestival – FotoOpen and DiasShow, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • 2017 21st Photography Biennal of Photographic Techniques and Digital Image Processing „REMIS”, Ostrowskie Centrum Kutury, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland
  • 2017 „XXXVII International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2017”, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2017 „Show Yourself in CSW 2017”, Centre of Contemporary Art, Toruń, Poland
  • 2016 „Landscapes” International Photographers, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece
  • 2016 7th International Salon „Still Life in Photography”, Miejska Galeria Sztuki, Częstochowa, Poland
  • 2016 XVII International Biennal of Landscape Photography “SPACE DEFINITION”, Gallery BWA, Kielce, Poland
  • 2016 XIX Mountain Photography Biennal, Muzeum Karkonoskie, Jelenia Góra, Poland
  • 2015 “XXXV International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2015”, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2015 Silesian Photographic Society „Photography as a Priceless Memory – Portrait”, Pasaż Kultury Andromeda”, Tychy, Poland
  • 2015 20th
  • Photography Biennal of Photographic Techniques and Digital Image Processing „REMIS”, Ostrowskie Centrum Kutury, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland
  • 2015 21st International Photography Competition „ZESTAW”, Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna, Świdnica, Poland
  • 2014 Silesian Photographic Society „Photography as a Priceless Memory”, Górnoślaskie Centrum Kultury, Katowice, Poland
  • 2014 121st Toronto International Salon of Photography, Toronto Camera Club, Toronto, Canada
  • 2014 7th International Biennal Exhibition of Photography „MINIATURE 2014”, FD Janze Puchar, Kranj, Slovenia
  • 2014 International Photography Contest „Just One Photo 2014”, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Jarosław, Poland
  • 2014 6th International Salon „Still Life in Photography”, Miejska Galeria Sztuki, Częstochowa, Poland
  • 2014 XVIII Mountain Photography Biennal, Muzeum Karkonoskie, Jelenia Góra, Poland
  • 2014 “XXXIV International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2014”, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2013 FotoArtFestival – FotoOpen, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • 2013 XII Polish Photography Contest „Polish Landscape”, Kętrzyńskie Centrum Kultury, Ketrzyn, Poland
  • 2013 1st International Photography Show “My journey – 2013”, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2013 Photoplace “Mountains and Sea”, Photoplace Gallery, Middlebury, USA
  • 2013 VIII Biennale of Black and White Photography “The Human Figure in the Landscape”, Galeria Muzeum Regionalnego, Radomsko, Poland
  • 2013 XXXIII International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2013, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2013 NVAL 2013 INTERNATIONAL JURIED PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW:“ Photography: The Full Spectrum”, The Carter House Gallery, Redding, USA
  • 2013 „22eme Biennale Internationale”, Cultural Centre Marius Staquet, Mouscron, Belgium
  • 2012 VII Polish Photography Contest „The Sea”, GTTF, Gdańsk, Poland
  • 2012 XXXII International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2012, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2012 “6th FIAP Clubs World Cup 2011”, FIAP, Paris, France
  • 2011 FotoArtFestival – FotoOpen, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • 2011 „5th International Salon of Photography “MFD 2011″”, Mersin, Turkey
  • 2011 “6th International Salon of Art. Photography Pokrowa 2010”, Rivne, Ukraine
  • 2011 “2nd International Photo Salon PANORAMA OF MY COUNTRY 2011”, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2011 XXXI International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2011, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2010 “V International Salon of Art. Photography Pokrowa 2010”, Rivne, Ukraine
  • 2010 5th Internatinal Biennale Photographic Exhibition – Miniature 2010, FD Janze Puchar, Kranj, Slovenia
  • 2010 5th Polish Photography Contest „The Sea”, GTTF, Gdańsk, Poland
  • 2010 16th Biennale of Mountain Landscape/1st International Photography Meeting, Muzeum Karkonoskie, Jelenia Góra, Poland
  • 2010 XXX International Photography Competition Mountain Landscape 2010, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Nowy Targ, Poland
  • 2010 Maitland International Salon of Photography 2010, Maitland, Australia
  • 2009 XIV Review of Touristic and Touring Photography “FOTO-TUR 2009”, PTTK POW, Wrocław, Poland
  • More…
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